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Facebook deletes its 'Jewish Ritual Murder' page - it's the least we can expect

The social media platform's removal of content dedicated to a disgusting antisemitic slur is long overdue

January 4, 2018 12:06
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2 min read

The New Year begins with news that Facebook has at long last removed the notorious "Jewish Ritual Murder" page from its site.

There is nothing to welcome or applaud in this scandalously late decision. The fact remains that year in, year out, Facebook, that symbol of global modernity, refused point-blank to remove a page that was literally dedicated to one of the oldest and most disgusting anti-Jewish hatreds of all: the medieval accusation that Jews kill non-Jews in order to use their blood and body organs for religious purpose.

As an example of hatred, old and new, it was hard to beat.  

CST, the Anti-Defamation League and many others have repeatedly demanded the page’s removal, which made a mockery of Facebook’s “community values”.