
Eat Your Hearts Out, Would-Be Flytilla Israel Haters ....

July 07, 2011 17:03

First this ...

Now this...,7340,L-4092539,00.html

Israeli security has distributed a blacklist among foreign airlines, featuring names of 300 activists who will not be allowed on Israel-bound flights. The measure comes in preparation for the pro-Palestinian fly-in, which is scheduled to take place over the upcoming weekend.

Israel told the airlines that the blacklisted individuals, most of whom come from France, are unauthorized to enter the state. The air carriers, in turn, promised to prohibit these individuals from boarding flights.

According to organizers of the fly-in, at least eight activists wishing to board a Malev Airlines flight from Paris to Budapest, and then Tel Aviv, were turned away.

One organizer, Nicholas Shashani, told Ynet that an airline official told them that she was following the Israeli Interior Ministry's orders, and showed them the list of barred individuals. Shashani claimed that they filed a complaint with police at the airport.

Shashani added that two travelers who wished to board a flight from Switzerland received e-mail messages notifying them that their trips were canceled, "as per Israel's Interior Ministry instructions."

These incidents will not deter hundreds of activists from flying from various European airports to Tel Aviv, Shashani said.

July 07, 2011 17:03

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