
CANADA: Ontario’s hate mongering misfits

September 4, 2011 17:00
2 min read

SEPTEMBER 4, 2011 - This past week in Toronto, Canada, a group of morally defunct raving pro-Iranian, Hezbollah, hate mongering misfits, received a permit to hold an Al-Quds Day Rally at Queen's Park, the seat of the Ontario Provincial Government. Their message, elucidated by Imam Zafar Bangash of the Islamic Society of York (Toronto) region, to a group of Hezbollah flag waving cronies and young children, included racist statements such as, "This black man in the White House, Barack Obama," and "He would rather have Americans starve to death but he cannot say no to the Zionist parasitical state." He added, "That is what makes them racists, that is what makes them inhuman, that is what makes them barbarians."

Not to be outdone, the Imam was accompanied by none other than Toronto born and Iranian trained, Asad Jafri, a militant antisemitic mullah. Asad Jafri openly supports the international terror organization Hezbollah. His message to the motley crowd included, "The Zionist regime that sucks the resources, the blood and everything that belongs to all the people across the world..."

Sounds familiar? In Toronto, you say? The city, as described on the City of Toronto's website where, "Diversity of race, religion and lifestyle help define and set Toronto apart from other world cities." Oh yeah?

According to Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, "Asad Jafri was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. He grew up in a very active Islamic community under the leadership of Hujjatul Islam Syed Mohammed Zaki Baqri. In 1998, Syed Asad graduated from his Bachelor of Computer Science program in the US. He worked for IBM from 2000-2004. In the year 2004, he, along with his family, travelled to Iran and entered the Hawza to pursue Islamic studies with his wife. He began his Tabligh missions in 2006 with stops across different cities in the US and Canada. He has travelled to such cities as Dallas, Atlanta, San Jose and Phoenix... He continues to study and reside in Qum."

Another speaker described Israel as a cancer.

Referring to the rally, the liberal Muslim and acclaimed Canadian author Tarek Fatah, who wrote the book, "The Jew is Not My Enemy," in a TV interview said that what bothers him is not so much the rhetoric and cliché spoken by Zafar Bangash, "as much as his notion that an Islamic army of Muslims will rise up and liberate that entire region [Israel]."

Fatah added, "This is being said not in Urdu or Arabic or Persian or Turkish so you as a mainstream Canadian cannot understand. He is speaking in English and he is thumbing his nose, he is showing his middle finger to Canada and the United States and what he's saying is: You can't do a dam thing about what I say, because you are cowards and too busy watching your football games, you're too busy enjoying your weekends and cottages, while we are infiltrating your institutions and taking over, and you do not have the courage to stop us."

Are Canadians too complacent in allowing hate-mongering individuals as Zafar Bangash and Asad Jafri to spread their vile messages? Hate, religious intolerance, virulent Judeophobia, be it promoted by one individual or many, must not be allowed in our society, irrespective of where one lives. The sickness that spews out of the mouths of people such as Zafar Bangash and Asad Jafri must be stifled.

Tarek Fatah's interview can be seen on the website http://jewishinfonews.magnify.net