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Marcus Dysch

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch


Campus ghetto - myth or reality?

January 21, 2010 17:36
3 min read

In her comment piece in this week's JC On Campus section, Birmingham student Roseanna Lewis raises what is, I suspect, an often under-reported concern held by some Jewish students.

She suggests that on many campuses, admittedly often those with a larger Jewish student community (Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham), young Jews not only do not mix with their non-Jewish counterparts, but in some cases actively go out of their way to avoid those from other faiths and backgrounds.

Is she right? I suppose it depends who you ask. After reading Roseanna's piece I sought the opinion of a range of people, including students, those working with Jewish university organisations and others with knowledge of life on campus.

Each had their own individual answer, ranging from 'she's talking nonsense' to 'I agree wholeheartedly' via 'she's right, but no one ever speaks about this problem'.