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Ben Uri has never been stronger in its 103-year history

David Glasser says the museum will still 'bring credit' to the Jewish community despite selling a large chunk of its collection as it refocuses on 'immigrant' art

December 6, 2018 13:29
David Bomberg's "Mount Zion with the Church of the Dormition: Moonlight", one of the works sold at Sotheby's on Tuesday night
2 min read

Today Ben Uri has never been stronger compared to either when we started 18 years ago or at any time in our 103-year history.

Our purpose in 2001 was to try and secure a viable, productive future for Ben Uri following its gallery closure in 1996 and it was only kept alive after by the determination of our predecessors.

Eighteen years later, we have succeeded and the great legacies of the past are celebrated within an alive and vibrant institution.

We have the forward strategy, personnel, skill sets, infrastructure, methodology and now (part of) the money needed to secure a distinctive productive long term future driven by public benefit.