Please advise what was either rude or nasty in my last post. On the other hand what you posted was both offensive and ill-mannered.
You may not like what I have to say, they say the truth hurts - I do not like judeophobes and Israel haters posting blatant lies and falsehoods about my country and its people and attempting to hold us up to bogus standards which they do not even strive to uphold in their own lives.
Although it may offend your British sensibilities I will call them liars and bigots because that is what they are.
As I have said no nation on earth is perfect but the Israel haters who post here falsely claim we are and then point out every minute real or perceived imperfection to claim we are not - they are disingenuous and have only one aim that is to deligitimize the State of Israel.
For example the latest claim that the IDF as a policy targets violent protesters with tear gas cannisters. Since and including 2007, 83 people have died in police custody in the UK. Without looking into the matter further or the circumstances surrounding the deaths one could say the police in the UK are brutal and we are living in a police state. That is precisely what we are getting from the Israel bashers.
Phoney's latest attempt is to claim that the Army does not have the power to declare a demonstration illegal. That comes of parrotting B'tselem and not taking the time to research the legal powers of the IDF. These marches initially started peacefully but with the participation of B'tselem, anarchists and the other flotsam and in the presence of an army of foreign journalists that was no story - so they became violent. As a result the Army declared them unlawful. As such the army is entitled to break them up if there is reasonable anticipation of a breach of the peace - coming armed with sling shots and rocks on ostensibly a "peaceful demonstration" constitutes in any language a reasonable anticipation of a breach of the peace.
Each Israeli soldier is supposed to "do his utmost to preserve human life, with an awareness of its supreme importance, and will endanger himself and his colleagues only to the extent necessary for implementation of the mission.
The sanctity of life in the eyes of IDF troops will be manifest in all of their actions, in thoughtful and precise planning, in astute and safely conducted exercises and in proper implementation, in accordance with the mission, with the appropriate level of risk and caution, and with continual effort to restrict the loss of human life to the extent required by the mission."
Obviously occasional criminality and mistakes occur - but the overall values of the IDF despite what RRZ and the other haters would like you to believe are not dissimilar in scope and effect than those held by western democracies and yet there was no Goldstone Enquiry after the War In Iraq etc.
If you support the delegitimisers that is your privilege but don't expect me not to respond to vicious lies and distortions - however politely they may be delivered they are still offensive.
Another message to Goldie Tobin
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