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Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain

ByRabbi Dr Jonathan Romain, Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain


When Jews were told they should stay at home...

There is a precedent for the Board of Deputies staying out of mass shows of solidarity

November 27, 2023 11:47
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3 min read

It was an extraordinary clash between the Jewish leadership and the Jewish masses.

When antisemitic marches took place in London and elsewhere, the Board of Deputies, the representative body of British Jews, told its members not to fight back, but to stay at home.

“We don’t want to be seen as rowdy or confrontational,” the Board said, “nor do we want to do anything that would disturb the peace, and certainly nothing that would bring us into conflict with the police. Keep your heads down and ignore the antisemites.”

But ordinary Jews felt differently. They reckoned that they had had enough of antisemitic slogans and banners, and it was time to oppose the hate-mongers.