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Colin Shindler

ByColin Shindler, Colin Shindler


Trotskyites and the talmudic tendency

August 18, 2016 10:45
Leon Trotsky
2 min read

The assertion of Tom Watson, Labour's deputy leader, that Trotskyists were attempting to join his party, has been a refrain voiced for the best part of a century.

The total failure of far-left groups such as the Communist Party to appeal to the British working class meant that entryism into the Labour Party was the only option.

Trotskyism has always interested Jews because of its almost Talmudic adherence to text and interpretation. Its leaders were treated like Chasidic rebbes, held court for their followers and did not work for a living.

Despite Trotsky's comment that he was not a Jew, but an internationalist, Stalin used antisemitism in his struggle against Trotsky in the mid-1920s.