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Anshel Pfeffer

ByAnshel Pfeffer, In Jerusalem


Did Israeli intelligence fail to spot an obvious mobile phone signal about the October 7 invasion?

Just before October 7, thousands of Israeli sim cards activated in Gaza

February 27, 2024 18:12
Copy of Screenshot2024-01-18at13.32.35.png
Horrifying: CCTV footage appears to show Hamas fighters preparing to behead Israelis
5 min read

One of the worst-kept secrets in Israel for the past four-and-a-half months finally came out this week in an unorthodox fashion.

Let’s start with the facts. It’s been widely reported by now that the two Israeli intelligence agencies in charge of surveilling Gaza and assessing the intentions of Hamas there failed to interpret correctly various reports and signals that in retrospect could have indicated that Hamas was preparing its massive attack on October 7.

Some of the information, such as the large-scale exercises carried out by Hamas in the months leading up to the attack, the departure of a number of senior figures, along with their families, from Gaza in the previous few weeks, and suspicious movements spotted on the border on the evening before, have all been widely reported.

One key piece of information that arrived in the last few hours before the attack that has been suppressed until the beginning of this week was a specific electronic warning which was triggered in the early hours of October 7.