Dear Harvey
First, a belated mazal tov on your appointment as Zionist Federation chairman. At last, this grand, venerable organisation has a leader it -- and the wider Jewish community -- so richly deserves.
It is fantastic that as your first moves, you have taken the ZF away from aligning with the far right BNP/EDL by joining with the UJS, JfJfP, Israeli embassy and other groups and individuals in setting up Not In My Name -- Jews Against the EDL. And an extra Yashar Koach should be given for joining forces with the Avraham Fund and the New Israel Fund, among others, to help alleviate the plight of ethnic and other minorities in Israel who are suffering from institutionalised racism and homophobia.
You have your work cut out for you, though. As you can see among these blogs there is still a number of recidivist members who want to maintain links with the far right and who will trample upon and abuse any other Jew to get their way.
Perhaps a stern word in their shell-like is necessary to keep the ZF from being tarnished completely by this vociferous few and their mates.
Kind regards
Sam Makowsky