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Benjamin Netanyahu’s self-serving efforts to emasculate the independence of the judiciary are threatening what is so special about Israel’s character

March 8, 2023 16:27
3 min read

For friends of Israel, the last two months have been depressing and disturbing.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s self-serving efforts to emasculate the independence of the judiciary and the repellent actions and rhetoric of his far-right allies are threatening what, for many of us, is so special about Israel’s character: not simply that it is the homeland of the Jewish people but that it is a beacon of democracy, the rule of law and minority rights in the Middle East.

Netanyahu’s judicial reforms – which will effectively give near-untrammelled powers to the government – must be opposed if we are to defend the enduring promise of Israel’s Declaration of Independence: that the state will be “based on freedom, justice and peace” and that it will “ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture”.

Our support for the State of Israel and its people has always gone beyond party politics and has never been contingent upon the political complexion of the government in Jerusalem.