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Two millennia of persecution started with Christ-killer myth

Jews have suffered hatred for 20 centuries — with Christian contempt lying behind most of the injustices and pogroms

January 14, 2022 14:18
5 min read

Looking back over 2,000 years, it is possible to isolate a number of causes of antisemitism. Jews have been detested because they were different, despised on account of their financial success, and feared for their connections with Jewry in other lands. In addition to the various social, economic and psychological explanations for humanity’s longest hatred, the Christian roots of antipathy run very deep. 

With the emergence of Christianity, the followers of Christ believed themselves to be the true heirs of the covenant. For these Christians, Jesus’ messiaship was understood as bringing about a new age in which the true Israel would become a light unto the nations. Given this vision, the Jewish people were regarded with animosity. The writers of the Gospels depicted Jesus attacking the leaders of the nation, and the Church taught that “circumcision of the heart” — rather than obedience to the Law — was what God required.

In the light of this teaching, the Fathers of the Church developed an Adversos Judaeos tradition which vilified the Jews. According to them, Jews were guilty of indecent actions, and they continued to be seen as a contemptible people. By rejecting Christ, Jews were rejected themselves and were doomed for eternity.

The tradition of Christian antisemitism as created by the Church Fathers continued through the centuries. During the time of the Crusades, Jewish communities were decimated throughout Western Europe. Such hostility toward Jewry was intensified by various charges levelled against the Jewish population. Frequently, Jews were accused of killing Christian children to use their blood in preparation for the Passover. Jews were also charged with blaspheming the Christian faith in the Talmud. Further, Jews were blamed for causing the Black Plague by poisoning wells.