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Roy Cohn was both a victim of homophobia and complicit in it

How paranoia and persecution ruined the lives of countless gay men and women In Washington DC

August 1, 2022 14:14
6 min read

Allegations of nefarious plotting, dark charges of betrayal and treachery, and a seeming threat to the very fabric of American democracy.

No, not this summer’s extraordinary congressional probe into the assault on the US Capitol last January, nor the Watergate hearings nearly 50 years ago which brought down Richard Nixon.

Instead, the moment when, two decades before “Tricky Dicky” Nixon's fall from grace, Senator Joe McCarthy’s anti-communist witch hunt reached a dramatic climax as he took on the US Army. A smear, slur and slander too far, it turned the public decisively against him and brought the infamous “Red Scare” of the early Cold War years to a close.

The Army-McCarthy hearings, as they came to be known, feature in US writer and journalist James Kirchick’s fascinating new book Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington. Mr Kirchick, who is Jewish and gay himself, explores how a noxious mix of paranoia and persecution, coupled with secrecy and shame, wrecked the careers, shredded the reputations and ruined the lives of countless gay men and women. And, as the author shows, helped shape the citadel of American power itself.
