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Only Israel could create honey without bees

Scientists from the Startup Nation are solving the world’s environmental crises one at a time

September 22, 2022 11:04
IMG 7855
3 min read

At Rosh Hashanah we not only look back at the past year, we look to the future. And in doing that, sustainability has become something of a buzzword in recent years. Without making some swift, fundamental changes to the way we produce food, we’re paving the way for a future of increasing insecurity. Fortunately, in true Israeli style, many startups are working hard to combat this.

Let’s go back to that buzzword: Israel’s innovation in the way we treat bees and the honey industry.

In 2019, 12 Technion students from six different faculties won a gold medal in MIT’s International Genetically Engineered Machine competition for their development of vegan, bee-free honey. Replicating the protein from a synthetic bee’s stomach which — combined with plant nectar — produces honey, they succeeded in manipulating and reprogramming the required bacterium for the natural process in a lab.

Since then, the team (led, coincidentally, by a CEO and CTO both with the surname Dvash, meaning honey) has blossomed into a company, Bee-io. The result? Not only can they create different versions of honey from different plants — including, even, a coffee plant — but they can do so without compromising the wellbeing of bees.

