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Obsessing about identity politics is never good for Jews

When progressives exclude us from their hierarchy of victimhood, we shouldn't persuade them to let us in

February 10, 2022 10:34
3 min read

The modern Left has a bit of Jewish problem. That much is obvious at this point, at least to anyone who watched the rise and fall of Corbynism. It was also obvious to anyone who watched Whoopi Goldberg’s attempt last week to claim that the Nazi genocide of Jews had no racial component, which she said (twice) on American television. 

 Goldberg was patently wrong, but her cretinous observations didn’t come from nowhere. It is common on the progressive left to identify Jews as white, which means crimes against them take on a different valence: they are diminished. This is one reason why the spate of violence against Charedi Jews in New York over the past few years has received so little attention in the American media. 

 Modern progressivism creates a hierarchy of victimhood which generally puts the Jews on the privileged side of the ledger, not least because of their connection to Israel and Zionism. This both discounts and in some cases even legitimises antisemitism. It’s a world view that originates in America but has spread to Britain and beyond. 

The problem is clear. But what to do about it? The most elegant solution thus far has come from David Baddiel in his now totemic book Jews Don’t Count. On today’s left, Baddiel argues compellingly, Jews have been routinely neglected in discussions about representation, inclusion and discrimination. In his book he hoists the contemporary left by its own petard, exposing a quite staggering array of double standards and hypocrisy. For the many but not the Jew.