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The BBC needs to apologise for their industrial-scale gaslighting

December 30, 2021 10:30
6 min read

A central feature of antisemitic thought and deed is that Jews are the world’s most preeminent and diabolical liars. I’m probably lying to you right now, so malevolent is my dark purpose. Another is that since we are attacked and hated so intensely and so often there must be something about us rather than the Jew-haters that is wrong. ‘We had no choice Your Honour, honest. (((Their))) wicked scheming ways and provocative dress meant we were forced to attack (((them))). ‘All rise, case dismissed.’ 

These core dynamics of antisemitism have been at the forefront of my mind while watching, Munchian-Scream-faced in abject horror, the unfolding BBC’s Oxford Street debacle. The level of arrogance, disregard, journalistic ineptitude and institutional belligerence on this issue, so soon after the Lord Dyson report, has been breathtaking in both in its scale and in its cruelty to the victims. We had hoped that the universal outcry from Jewish communal organisations would have led to a quick retraction and apology, but instead we had industrial-scale gaslighting and entrenchment.