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How I accidentally narrated an audiobook Quran for an 'extremist' Imam

Why it always pays to dig deeper when you get a job offer

February 8, 2023 20:45
Quran in the mosque
3 min read

For years I’d had intended to read the Quran – its influence in the world seemed too important for me not to. But I could never have imagined my first reading of it would be into a microphone, for potentially millions of Muslims discovering their own holy text for the first time in English.

As a news broadcaster and TV producer I was told early on that I had ‘a good voice’, so I set up a side hustle doing voiceovers – good to earn some extra cash when work’s on the quiet side, I thought. Mostly it was phone menu systems or an Egyptian real estate development advert. Nothing too glamorous.

So when the opportunity arose in 2019 to record an audiobook of a new, plain English translation of the Quran, I couldn’t resist. Sure, I’m not the obvious choice – I’m Jewish for starters – but in the world of voiceovers, nobody’s looking at your face or your background.

Finally, I would be judged not on the colour of my skin but on the content of my… voice. Or so I thought.

As I sent off my sample reading, I briefly fantasised about the dinner party value of a story that started with “when I recorded the audiobook of the Quran…” Soon after I forgot about it, with my day job keeping me busy reporting on the Labour Party antisemitism crisis and the upcoming General Election.

