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Far from helping Jews, Franco’s regime was implacably hostile

Paul Preston’s new book details the full extent of Franco’s antisemitism, which formed a core part of his governing ideology

July 6, 2023 15:03
General Franco GettyImages-2641822
5 min read

In May 1949, Israel’s ambassador to the UN addressed the General Assembly to oppose the re-establishment of diplomatic relations with Europe’s last surviving fascist regime: Francisco Franco’s Spain.

“We do not for a moment assert that the Spanish regime has any direct part in [the] policy of extermination,” Abba Eban declared. “But we do assert that it was an active and sympathetic ally of the regime that was responsible.”

Several months later, Madrid responded. In a 50-page dossier, Espana y los Judios, Franco’s propagandists claimed that, thanks to its “sympathy and friendship”, Spain had, in fact, saved thousands of imperilled Jews from death at the hands of the Nazis.

But, as Professor Paul Preston’s new book, Architects of Terror: Paranoia, Conspiracy and Antisemitism in Franco’s Spain, painstakingly and conclusively details, these claims were utterly disingenuous. Instead, a vicious current of antisemitism coursed through Franco’s decades-long rule — a reflection of the Caudillo’s own warped and conspiratorial worldview. Indeed, even at the very moment he was falsely claiming a hitherto unseen humanitarian streak, Franco was penning a series of antisemitic diatribes under a pseudonym that appeared in the fascist’s daily newspaper Arriba.