Jewish humour has the well-known tradition from Eastern Europe of the people of Chełm, (which actually was a real place in Poland), a town reputed in these jokes to be inhabited by fools. The jokes were almost always centered on silly solutions to problems. Some of these solutions display "foolish wisdom" (reaching the correct answer by the wrong train of reasoning), while others are simply wrong.
Chelm tales were told by authors like Sholom Aleichem and Isaac Bashevis Singer. A typical Chelm story might begin, "It is said that after God made the world, he filled it with people. He sent off an angel with two sacks, one full of wisdom and one full of foolishness. The second sack was of course much heavier. So after a time it started to drag as irt was too heavy. It soon got caught on a mountaintop and so all the foolishness spilled out and fell into Chelm." The short animated film "Village of Idiots" is based upon classic Chelm tales.
A seasonal example of the Chelm story:-
In Chelm, the shammes used to go around waking everyone up for minyan in the morning. Every time it snowed, the people would complain that, although the snow was beautiful, they could not see it in its pristine state because by the time they got up in the morning, the shammes had already trekked through the snow. The townspeople decided that they had to find a way to be woken up for minyan without having the shammes making tracks in the snow.
The people of Chelm hit on a solution: they got four volunteers to carry the shammes around on a table when there was fresh snow in the morning. That way, the shammes could make his wake up calls, but he would not leave tracks in the snow.
Other examples of the Chelm stories:-
The head of the UJIA one Mickalov Davisofkoskovkivech, decides that communal institutions are not left wing enough, so taking the lead from the Guardian and Independent writers he throws his lot in and makes pronouncements citing Israel’s road to apartheid.
Another, communal leader senior member of the Board Of Deputies, one, Lawrenofsky Brassmonkeyvich, takes up a proposal of a junior BoD member that a representative of Fatah should be invited to address the Board of Deputies.
Obviously no-one has elected the “leadersheep” of the UJIA; but the community HAS elected the Board Of Deputies, NOT to play politics but to safeguard the communities interests on things like Shechita, Burial Rights, Communal and School Security, Organ Transplants and the like.
I appeal to these people to reign in their ego’s and refrain from playing at international diplomacy, leave politics to the experts, concentrate on the jobs they are supposed to be doing, before irreparable damage is done.