
A Methodist Breaks Rank ...

July 07, 2010 14:02

Pam Smith is an Area Representative of Christian Friends of Israel and a Methodist preacher married to a Methodist minister.

Writing to the Methodist Recorder, Pam Smith states, "Last week I watched the "debate" at conference re Israel. To have a true debate at least two opinions, sets of accurate facts and information are needed so that those voting can discuss the issue, assess the facts and then make up their minds as to the truth of the matter and their response to it. This was not the case at conference. It was a totally one sided tirade against Israel with numerous inaccuracies drawn solely (as far as I could see) from individuals, books and organizations who at best are blinkered about, and at worst hate, Israel ..... There has been no mention of the fact that the boycott they want will hurt the very people they say they are concerned for as many of them are employed by those who grow or produce these goods and so stand the risk of losing their jobs if the boycott becomes widespread; nothing about the fact that the Palestinians have repeatedly said that the whole of the land is theirs and that Israel should be destroyed and are teaching their children this, even in TV cartoons... I could go on with the many injustices and inaccuracies of this report as I have only scratched the surface."


"Anti Semitic attacks in the UK rose from 112 in 2008 to 374 in 2009. Around the world the number of Anti Semitic attacks doubled in the same period. Our Jewish friends are frightened. They can see in people's attitudes today the same that prevailed in the 1930s that led to the Holocaust. At that time the church either closed its eyes and ears to the plight of the Jews, or believed and went along with the lies and propaganda of the time. In this resolution the Methodist Church is guilty of exactly the same attitude. As a lifelong Methodist, a preacher of 34 years standing and a minister's wife I totally deplore the conference resolution. I do not always agree with what Israel does, it is an unrighteous nation, just as every nation is unrighteous, and so makes mistakes, but it is still the nation chosen by God through which to reveal Himself to the world. Israel is the land He chose for Himself. Abraham, and his descendants through Isaac and Jacob, are the ones He covenanted to live in and look after the land and Jerusalem (Zion) is the city He chose as His dwelling place, the city of the Great King, the place He loves. Either God keeps His covenants or He doesn't. If He does then His covenants with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and therefore Israel, still stand, if He breaks His covenants then we cannot be sure His covenant with us in Jesus still holds true so our salvation is not assured. You can't have it both ways!"

To all her Jewish friends, Pam has a message... "You are not alone!"

Hat tip: GS

July 07, 2010 14:02

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