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Passover hacks: Millionaire’s matzah

This recipe — a modern riff on Marcy Goldman’s original caramel matzo crunch — is utterly addictive. It should come with a health warning.

March 23, 2017 16:18

Cook: 20 minutes

Serves: 4

You can take this to your Seder night host or give it to friends, but frankly we’d rather keep the lot for ourselves.

Make a double batch — it never lasts long. We top ours with extra salt or chopped pecans, but it’s just as tasty with nothing on top. 

Preheat the oven to 180°C.


2 - 3 matzah sheets

110g unsalted butter, cut into a few large pieces

100g soft light brown sugar

1 tsp sea salt

½ tsp vanilla extract

90g dark chocolate chips

Optional: extra sea salt for sprinkling and a handful of coarsely chopped pecan nuts