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The development of Israel and the career of one of its key figures are entwined in an intriguing museum

November 11, 2011 16:09
11112011 Tel Aviv Yitzchak Rabin Centre2

By Ann Goldberg , Ann Goldberg

1 min read

It is now 18 months since The Israeli Museum at the Yitzchak Rabin Centre opened - the first museum to show the development of the State of Israel as a democracy. In the initial year, more than 40,000 people visited the museum and double that number are expected by the end of the second year.

The museum has two parallel themes; the development of Israel both politically and socially and the progress of Yitzchak Rabin's life and career as one of the prime movers in the political life of the country.

As you walk round the spiral, visiting the seven rooms, each of which represents around a decade in the life of the State, in the outer corridor you will see a parallel time-line of the life of Yitzchak Rabin as he progressed up the political and defence ladder.

Democracy involves debate, discussion and opposing points of view and, as Dr Nurit Cohen-Levinovsky, director of the educational department of the museum points out, the museum does not shy away from the disputes and political crises. On the contrary, every one of the rooms contains a "pillar of dispute" which outlines the controversies that were raging among the Jewish population here at that time.