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Don’t knock Yiddish — it plays a vital part in English grammar

May 21, 2009 13:16
2 min read

In his 1965 composition, A Yiddish Poet, Menke Katz wrote: “My mother tongue is as unpolished as a wound, a laughter, a love-starved kiss...”

When I first read this, I was struck by the word “unpolished”. As a linguist, I would never use this word about a language. It suggests that some languages are superior to others. More useful on the world stage some of them may be. Spoken by more people some of them may be. But to say that one language is intrinsically inferior compared to another is just plain nonsense. And to dismiss languages or dialects by calling them rude names says more about the namer than the named.

Yiddish English has attracted quite a bit of rudeness, as labels such as Yinglish and Yidgin show. But those who use such names are committing two major errors.They are forgetting the crucial role that languages and dialects play in expressing a community’s historical identity. And they are ignoring the remarkable influence that Yiddish has had on other languages.

Many loan words have come into English from Yiddish. Some of them are so naturalised that their origins are forgotten --- such as bagel, nosh and glitch. Others, because of their distinctive sounds or spellings, retain their Yiddish resonance — as with mensch, kvetch, and chutzpah.