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Why the rabbis’ understanding of antisemitism is still relevant

In her new book, Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur explores how the rabbis made sense of hatred against Jews

February 15, 2021 10:06
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3 min read

When Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur graced the cover of Elle magazine in France a year ago, it was a sign of public recognition. One of just four female rabbis in the country — though with others in rabbinic training, the number is set to grow — she had just brought out a new book.

A year later, its English edition has appeared, the first of her four books to be translated here. Anti-Semitism Revisited is more an extended essay, but one rippling with ideas on every page.

Many books have been written on antisemitism from a political, sociological or psychoanalytic perspective, she explains in her fluent English — she studied for the rabbinate in the USA. “But very few books have been written about the rabbinic point of view.

“It was striking for me to see that the rabbis and the sages did have an opinion. Obviously they did not have a secret recipe against antisemitism…