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What the rabbis teach about the ethics of war

We should do our utmost to minimise harm to civilians in Gaza

October 27, 2023 10:47
Israel Gaza
Israeli soldiers at a staging area near the Israeli-Gaza border, October 20, 2023. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90 *** Local Caption *** צבא עזה רחבות ברזל חרבות ברזל כוחות שטח כינוס

The presence of Hamas in Gaza is intolerable. There can be no military solution to Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians, without some sort of political process. And yet, there can be no political process with people who want to butcher us.

Since last May, Israel issued 18,500 permits for Gazans to enter for work; more than the total number of permits issued in the previous 14 years. It brought in upwards of £2million a day. These unilateral measures to improve life in Gaza didn’t stop the massacre on October 7.

We can’t make peace with Hamas. We also can’t make peace on our own. The only conclusion to draw is that Hamas must be eliminated, and replaced. We have to fight this war.

President Biden made a crucial observation: “What sets us apart from the terrorists is we believe in the fundamental dignity of every human life… If you give that up, then the terrorists win.”