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What is the point of wishing for the return of the Temple?

An Orthodox and a Reform rabbi debate contemporary Jewish problems

June 29, 2023 15:22
Second Temple
The Holyland Model of Jerusalem, also known as Model of Jerusalem at the end of the Second Temple period is a 1:50 scale model of the city of Jerusalem in the late Second Temple period.

QUESTION: What is the point of references to the Temple in the liturgy when it was destroyed so long ago?

An Orthodox view: Rabbi Alex Chapper

It was an historic moment. In 1967, after the Six-Day War, the IDF liberated the Western Wall in Jerusalem. After two thousand years of restricted access, the Jewish people had finally regained this hugely significant site and many of the soldiers were overwhelmed by emotion. Some began to cry.

As soldiers ran to the Wall, one of the non-religious soldiers who ran with them saw the religious soldiers crying. He too began to cry. The religious soldier looked at him surprised and asked: “I know why I’m crying, but why are you crying?” The non-religious soldier replied: “I’m crying because I don’t know what I’m supposed to be crying about.”