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“Go to Pharaoh as he is coming out of the water” Exodus 7:15

January 14, 2021 14:53
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1 min read

On meeting Moses, it is difficult to be impressed by him. It is difficult to understand why God chose him for the crucial task of leading the people out of Israel. So far he has turned down this opportunity and only accepted it after being coerced and reassured by the presence of his brother Aaron

In Parashat Va’era, God offers Moses the ultimate lesson in being comfortable with a difficult situation: “Go to Pharaoh in the morning, as he is coming out of the water, and station yourself at the edge of the Nile, taking with you the rod that turned into a snake” (Exodus 7:15).

There is no reason given as to why Pharaoh might be swimming in the Nile, presumably alone, or it would not be that easy for Moses to approach him. Midrash Rabba offers an interesting interpretation: “Pharaoh only went to the water in the morning because he claimed that he was a god, and as such did not need to relieve himself. That is why he went to water very early in the morning” (Shemot Rabba 9:8). And thus, on meeting Pharaoh in this situation, Moses was able to realise that he was nothing more than a human being and his equal.

We seem to need constantly to put individuals on a pedestal. As a result, we are intimidated by them, even fear them, and on occasion, will find it difficult to acknowledge their faults and reprimand them. By doing so, we ultimately underline our weaknesses, and forget how strong and worthy we really are.