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The Jews who take off their shoes for shul

After 500 years, the ancient Karaite sect is starting to accept converts, reports Sina Cohen

June 23, 2011 09:52
A ceremony seldom seen: taking the biblical pledge of Ruth, ‘Your people shall be my people’, at a Karaite conversion

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

3 min read

In August a rare event will take place in Daly City, California: after a year of intense study, some 20 people from across the world - including Russia, Australia and the UK - will swear fealty to Karaite Judaism.

It will be only the third known conversion ceremony since 1465 performed by the Karaites, the ancient sect that differs from Orthodoxy in not recognising the divine authority of the Oral Law. The Karaite Council of Sages in Israel decreed a change in their conversion policy only 17 years ago, enabling non-Jews and other Jews to embrace Karaite Judaism. The first ceremony took place in 2007.

Karaites are "followers of the Scripture (derived from the Hebrew "to read") and use p'shat, plain meaning,to interpret the Tanach, the Bible, as opposed to the varying forms of interpretation found within the mainstream rabbinic branch of Judaism. Karaites recognise only Tanach as divinely given, and while they do not outright reject the talmudic traditions of the rabbis, they consider them as commentary and not divinely inspired. Karaites, for their part, consider themselves to be followers of Judaism in its truest and purest manifestation.

Israel is now home to most of the world's 50,000 Karaite Jews, who have been separated from mainstream Judaism for centuries. Most came from Egypt and Syria following the 1956 and 1967 wars. They are fully recognised as Jews by the state of Israel, serve in the Israeli military and are integrated into Israeli life, with at least 11 active synagogues across the country.