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“A man came upon him” Genesis 37:15

December 10, 2020 13:04
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ByRabbi Celia Surget, rabbi celia surget

1 min read

“A man came upon him” Genesis 37:15

On life’s journey, we encounter many people, some whose name is known to us, others who will remain anonymous, and all have the potential to be the “supporting actors of our life”, as Rabbi Dan Moskowitz, senior rabbi of Temple Sholom in Vancouver, calls them.

Joseph, on the instruction of his father, travels to Shechem to look for his brothers but cannot find them. While searching, he is found by a man, only called by Torah as ha-ish, “the man”, who directs him to his brothers.

Who is this unnamed man, this mysterious ish that Joseph encountered? For the commentator Ibn Ezra, a very pragmatic answer is that he is just a man going on his way. For Rashi, he is the angel Gabriel. For Ramban, he is a passer-by but who has been sent by God, thus fulfilling the role of a messenger.