Abraham is the original monotheist. He started the "One God" fan club. Of course, God knew who he was. Why then does the verse emphasise God's awareness of Abraham? Rashi, the medieval French commentator, clarifies that here knowledge refers not to awareness but rather to God's great love and affection towards Abraham.
What was it about Abraham that evoked such powerful divine emotions and why was it only aroused now? After all, had Abraham not already faced a fiery furnace, migrated from his homeland and even circumcised himself for God? The verse tells us that these acts of devotion were awesome but not yet sufficient to deserve the accolade of "beloved"; one further level of commitment was indeed required. The Torah informs us of the additional step Abraham undertook: "because he commands his sons and his household after him". Abraham had already demonstrated his loyalty to God. True, his commitment was unbending and unwavering, but would this relationship between God and man be an eternal bond?
Abraham gave God the answer. This will not be a short-term relationship, he declares: he will educate and lead his progeny to follow in the path of faith and commitment too. He will take great pains to sow the seeds of a nation that will forever commit their hearts and souls, their very being towards Him. This act of adoration on the part of Abraham single-handedly began the perpetuation of our people's faith, which has lasted until today. Because of this and deservedly so, Abraham will be known eternally as "the beloved of God".