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"And Abraham stepped forward and said: ‘Will You also wipe away the righteous with the wicked?'" Genesis 18:23

November 13, 2008 17:13
1 min read

"And Abraham stepped forward and said: ‘Will You also wipe away the righteous with the wicked?'" Genesis 18:23

A Jewish student recently returned from extensive volunteering in Uganda and proudly reported that a surprisingly high percentage of the aid and relief leaders came from Jewish roots. I was pleased to hear this news but wasn't terribly surprised as we have always been a people that confront challenges with little fear or shame.

Driven by principle to stand up to even the highest ranks of leadership, we are found at the forefront of many important campaigns. Some explain this ethic of activism as a response to our history of persecution and survival. But Abraham's words in this week's sidrah remind us that our heritage of activism actually predates the Holocaust, pogroms, or even exodus from Egypt.

On hearing God's plan to destroy Sodom, Abraham refuses to let the news pass lightly. His response is introduced with the verb "vayyigash", often translated as "and he approached". But an ancient teaching recorded in the Midrash (Genesis Rabbah 49:7) provides a better translation, "and he confronted". Robert Alter recently translated it, "stepped forward". Abraham was challenging the divine decree, not simply "approaching" God.