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Parashah of the week: Beshallach

“Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to Hashem” Exodus 15:1

February 6, 2025 16:19
Song of the Sea.jpg
Moses and Miriam singing at the Red Sea, Rubens, 1620 (Wikimedia Commons)
1 min read

This week of Parashat Beshallach is also known as Shabbat Shirah, the “Shabbat of Song,” which takes its name from the climactic moment when the Children of Israel sing the Song of the Sea.

I have often wondered why this Shabbat gets to stand apart with its own special name. The Torah is full of myriad unique events such as the exodus from Egypt and the giving of the Torah yet those Shabbat days don’t receive their own specific label. What is it about the Song that means that this Shabbat gets to stand out with its own special description?

In order to find an answer, we have to understand why song, specifically, was the natural response to the miracle of the splitting of the sea. The Children of Israel had witnessed the ten plagues. They had seen the devastation of Egypt. And yet, standing at the shore of the Red Sea the Egyptian army behind them and the waters before them, they faced what seemed to be an impossible situation.

Only after crossing the sea, standing safely on the other side, could they look back and fully appreciate the magnitude of their deliverance. It was then that they burst into song, a spontaneous outpouring of gratitude and faith.

