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November 24, 2016 23:30

ByRabbi Jonny Hughes, Rabbi Jonny Hughes

1 min read

Ever sat on a beach at night, gazing up at the stars? Well, think about the following the next time you try it. In this week's sidrah, Moses tells God that the Jewish nation is too burdensome for him to carry alone. Why? Because they are comparable to the profusion of stars. Why does Moses here employ the analogy of the celestial orbs and not the sand of the beach to which the Children of Israel are often compared elsewhere in the Torah?

The truth is both the stars and sand particles are too numerous to count. However there is a gigantic difference between the two. Grains of sand are tightly pressed and compacted one against the other to form a beach, while each star is a world in itself that can be separated from its nearest neighbour by trillions of miles.

Moses says to the Jewish people that it is not because of their massive quantity that he cannot alone lead them. He wasn't overwhelmed by the number of clients. Rather, the problem was qualitative. Moses implied that if the Jews were spiritually and emotionally unified - were proximate to each other like sand - their large population would not require arduous leadership. However, when there is a nation of people, each of whom is a star in his own right and alienated from others around him, leading them becomes nightmarish.

At this mournful time of the Jewish year in the run-up to Tishah b'Av, we need to be reminded of the Jewish togetherness which must be etched into our hearts. The rabbis teach that every Jewish soul contains elements of every other Jewish soul that has been, is, or will be on this planet. We are one unit.

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