
Shabbat times from June 16 to June 23

Shabbat times for the coming week

June 16, 2017 13:27
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1 min read

Friday, June 16 (Sivan 22), Shabbat begins in London at 9.06;  Bournemouth 9.03; Leeds 9.18; Manchester 9.25; Tyneside 9.30; Glasgow 9.49; Jerusalem 7.11 (local time).   
Saturday, June 17 (Sivan 23). Portion of the Law (Torah): Shelach Lecha, Numbers 13:1 to 15:41. Portion of the Prophets (Haftarah): Joshua 2:1-24. Blessing of the New Moon. Ethics 3.

Shabbat ends in London at 10.27; Bournemouth 10.35; Leeds 10.53; Manchester 10.59; Tyneside 11.07; Glasgow 11:39; Jerusalem 8.29.                                                     

Friday, June 23 (Sivan 29), Shabbat begins in London at 9.08;  Bournemouth 9.04; Leeds 9.20; Manchester 9.27; Tyneside 9.35;  Glasgow 9.51; Jerusalem 7.13.