
Shabbat times from February 18 to February 25

Shabbat times for the week

February 17, 2022 16:46
Shabbat candles
1 min read

Friday, February 18 (I Adar 17), Shabbat begins in London at 5.06; Bournemouth 5.09; Leeds 5.04; Manchester 5.10; Gateshead 5.04; Glasgow 5.12.

Saturday, February 19 (I Adar 18). Torah Portion: Ki Tissa, Exodus 30:11 to 34:35. Haftarah: (Sephardim) I Kings 18: 20-39; (Ashkenazim) I Kings 1-39.                                                           
Shabbat ends in London at 6.10; Bournemouth 6.21; Leeds 6.13; Manchester 6.17; Gateshead 6.17; Glasgow 6.23.

Friday, February 25 (I Adar 24), Shabbat begins in London at 5.18; Bournemouth 5.22; Leeds 5.18; Manchester 5.23; Gateshead 5.18; Glasgow 5.27.