Friday, February 16 (I Adar 7). Shabbat begins in London at 5.02; Bournemouth 5.06; Leeds 4.59; Manchester 5.05; Gateshead 4.59; Glasgow 5.07.
Saturday, February 17 (I Adar 8), Torah portion: Terumah, Exodus 25:1 to 27:19. Haftarah: I Kings 5:226 to 6:13.
Shabbat ends in London at 6.06; Bournemouth 6.18; Leeds 6.09; Manchester 6.13; Gateshead 6.12; Glasgow 6.18.
Friday, February 23 ( I Adar 14). Purim Katan. Shabbat begins in London at 5.15; Bournemouth 5.18; Leeds 5.13; Manchester 5.19; Gateshead 5.13; Glasgow 5.22.