
Shabbat times from February 16 to February 23

Shabbat times for the week ahead

February 16, 2018 09:54
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1 min read

Friday, February 16 (Adar 1), second day Rosh Chodesh Adar, Shabbat begins in London at 5.02; Bournemouth 5.06; Leeds 5.00; Manchester 5.06; Tyneside 5.00; Glasgow 5.08; Jerusalem 4.50 (local time).

Saturday, February 17 (Adar 2). Portion of the Law (Torah): Terumah, Exodus 25:1 to 27:19. Portion of the Prophets (Haftarah): I Kings 5:26 to 6:13.

Shabbat ends in London at 6.06; Bournemouth 6.18; Leeds 6.09; Manchester 6.14; Tyneside 6.08; Glasgow 6.19; Jerusalem 6.04.

Friday, February 23 (Adar 8), Shabbat begins in London at 5.15; Bournemouth 5.18; Leeds 5.14; Manchester 5.19; Tyneside 5.15; Glasgow 5.23; Jerusalem 4.56.