
Shabbat times February 19 to February 26

Shabbat times for the week

February 19, 2021 09:15
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1 min read

Friday, February 19 (Adar 7), Shabbat begins in London at 5.07; Bournemouth 5.11; Leeds 5.06; Manchester 5.12; Gateshead 5.06; Glasgow 5.15.

Saturday,  February 20 (Adar 8). Shabbat Zachor. Torah Portion: Terumah, Exodus 25:1 to 27:19 and Deuteronomy 25:17-19. I Samuel 15:2-34. Haftarah: 
Shabbat ends in London at 6.12; Bournemouth 6.23; Leeds 6.15; Manchester 6.20; Gateshead 6.19; Glasgow 6.26.

Thursday, February 25 (Adar 13), Fast of Esther. The fast ends in London at 6.14; Bournemouth 6.22; Leeds 6.12; Manchester 6.23; Gateshead 6.19; Glasgow 6.29. Megillat Esther in the evening.

Friday, Feburary 26 (Adar 14 ), Purim. Shabbat begins in London at 5.20; Bournemouth 5.23; Leeds 5.20; Manchester 5.26; Gateshead 5.21; Glasgow 5.30.