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Rabbi I Have a Problem

Should I make my son go to shul after barmitzvah?

August 10, 2012 09:06

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

3 min read

Question: My son recently had his barmitzvah but now he feels that since he goes to a Jewish secondary school, he has enough Judaism during the week and no longer wants to go to shul. How do I convince him otherwise?

Rabbi Naftali Brawer

Naftali Brawer is the CEO of the Spiritual Capital Foundation.

There is no such thing as “enough” Judaism. It is an all-encompassing, all-pervading faith that impacts on every aspect of one’s life. Jewish education is not just about teaching skills and knowledge, it is also about conveying a sense of passion and enthusiasm for living Jewishly.
It seems to me that, at least in this regard, your son’s Jewish school is letting him down. Many of our community’s Jewish schools are in reality nothing more than schools for Jews. The distinction is an important one. A Jewish school is one where every aspect of school life, both formal and informal, is pervaded with Judaism.
A school for Jews is one where more attention is given to admitting a Jewish student body and excluding non-Jews than imbuing its students with deep knowledge of, and love for, Judaism. The problem with such “Jewish schools” is that they simply do not allocate enough time in their schedule for Jewish studies.
It does not help that many of the parents who are so desperate to get their children into a Jewish school view time spent on Jewish studies as a nice extra so long as the main focus is on secular studies. Some parents — and I have met them — see Jewish studies as a price they have to pay to have their kids attend a nice, middle-class “Jewish” state-aided school. Unless these schools are prepared to invest serious time and energy in Jewish studies — as do their American counterparts — they will continue to produce graduates who are uninterested in Judaism.
I would certainly have a conversation with your son’s school and put the challenge to them as to why it is that your son is so uninspired Jewishly. You might have to get him extra tuition from an inspiring Jewish teacher outside school hours. You also have to ask yourself if you are giving your son consistent
messages about the importance of Judaism.
Shul-going is but one aspect of living a full Jewish life. If he sees you being selective about which aspects of Judaism you adhere to, he will do the same and his selection may look different to yours. It may be that despite a stellar Jewish education and a strong Jewish home, your son is just not interested in Judaism. It happens. It may be a passing phase or it may last longer.
Don’t turn this into a battle. Try to be encouraging but give him some latitude. No good has ever come from forcing someone to go to shul.

Rabbi Jonathan Romain

Jonathan Romain is rabbi at Maidenhead (Reform) Synagogue.