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Rabbi I Have a Problem

Is there no alternative to kosher medicine?

May 16, 2008 13:23

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

3 min read

QUESTION: My son is a lifelong vegetarian but he has serious digestive problems and a doctor recommended medication which happens to contain a pork extract. My son objects to an animal product per se and he finds the idea of pork particularly repugnant, but there seems no alternative. What do we do?

Rabbi Naftali Brawer

Naftali Brawer is rabbi at Borehamwood and Elstree United Synagogue.

In the first instance, it would be helpful to establish whether your son’s condition is life-threatening. If it is determined by a doctor that this is indeed the case, then not only is your son permitted to take the medication but he would be obligated to do so. This is because Jewish law, with rare exception, puts the value of human life above other religious considerations.

The rare exceptions being murder, incest and idolatry— which a Jew must avoid even on pain of death. If your son’s condition is determined to be non-life threatening it would not be permissible for him to consume pork or any other non-kosher food item for the purpose of alleviating discomfort.