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Rabbi I Have a Problem

Is it ok to sit less than a full week’s shivah?

Rabbi, I have a problem

August 7, 2014 15:16

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

3 min read

Question: When my mother died, I wanted to sit shivah for the full seven days, but my sister only one. In the end, we agreed to have prayers for three nights. My sister also wanted to serve tea for visitors afterwards. I wasn’t keen but I conceded. Was I right to compromise?(Question)

Rabbi Naftali Brawer

Naftali Brawer is the CEO of the Spiritual Capital Foundation.

Sitting shivah is a mark of respect for your deceased mother. It symbolises that, at least for a week, life for her children cannot continue as normal. The prayers conducted each day and the Kaddish recited are positive ways in which to honour as much as to accrue merit to the deceased.

Shivah also has important therapeutic value for those who have just suffered a bereavement. It allows time for the loss to sink in and for the mourner to go through the various stages of grief within a supportive framework of tradition, family and close friends.