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Rabbi I Have a Problem

Is dancing with the Sefer on Simchat Torah over the top?

Rabbi, I have a problem

October 1, 2015 11:56

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

3 min read

Question: My wife has a thing against Simchat Torah and doesn't like coming to shul. She thinks the dancing has got over-the-top and become a kind of Torah worship. Is this just English reserve or does she have a point?

Rabbi Naftali Brawer

Naftali Brawer is the CEO of the Spiritual Capital Foundation.

I detect two different points in your wife's criticism. That the dancing is over the top is a matter of personal taste. That such enthusiastic dancing represents Torah worship is a matter of theology.

Having distinguished between these two points allow me to respond to each individually. The atmosphere in synagogue on Simchat Torah can be quite unwieldy and this is nothing new. Samuel Pepys, who for some odd reason decided to visit a synagogue on Simchat Torah of all days, records in his diary his shock and revulsion at the antics he observed. There is a clear line between simchah shel mitzvah - the genuine joy of celebrating in God's presence - and some of the crasser behaviour masquerading on Simchat Torah under the thin veil of religiosity. It is more than likely that your wife is reacting to the latter and if so her criticism is valid. As such, she should discuss it with the synagogue's leadership well in advance of the festival so that they can address it constructively.