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Rabbi I Have a Problem

If my wife is in a coma, can I have a relationship with someone else?

Rabbi, I have a problem

August 30, 2015 07:18

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

3 min read

Question: My wife has been in a vegetative state for the past two years following a serious illness and doctors believe it highly unlikely that she will recover. I visit her regularly, but have my own needs. Would it be adultery if I were to have a relationship with someone else?

Rabbi Naftali Brawer

Naftali Brawer is the CEO of the Spiritual Capital Foundation.

That is an agonising dilemma. As I understand it there are two components to your question; one is ethical/moral, the other is legal/halachic.

Let's start with the ethical dimension. What is reasonably expected of you in this situation will very much depend on one's perspective. Some will be sympathetic to your needs, others will judge you harshly. Their opinions should not matter. The only opinions that do matter are yours and your wife's and you have to do your best to try to determine what she would have wanted for you in this tragic situation.