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Rabbi I Have a Problem

Do sexual relations in older age constitute a waste of sperm?

Rabbi, I have a problem

April 8, 2010 10:02

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

3 min read

Question: If it is wrong to waste sperm, as the story of Er and Onan demonstrates in the Bible, then can I have sexual relations with my wife after the menopause since biologically she is no longer able to conceive and therefore any sperm is wasted(Question)

Rabbi Naftali Brawer

Naftali Brawer is rabbi at Borehamwood and Elstree United Synagogue.

You ask an excellent question. Wasting sperm is a serious prohibition to the extent that the Zohar asserts that it is "more serious than all the sins in the Torah". Yet strangely enough, there is not one reference in the Bible explicitly prohibiting the wasting of sperm. The episode of Er and Onan (Genesis 38: 7-10) presupposes that it is a sin and that is certainly the moral of the story but the Bible does not openly proscribe the act.

This lack of clarity led to a dispute among the rabbis regarding the biblical status of the transgression. There are those who maintain that despite the ambiguity of the biblical text, the prohibition against wasting sperm is nonetheless biblical in origin. Others maintain that it is in essence only a rabbinical proscription. It is not entirely clear why the Bible chooses to avoid any explicit reference to such a severe prohibition. The 18th-century scholar Rabbi Pinchas Elias suggests in his work Sefer Habrit that it is because the sin is so difficult to avoid that the Bible prefers to couch its ban in gentle terms through a narrative rather than unambiguous command. This, says the author, is in keeping with the talmudic principle that it is "better they sin unwittingly rather than knowingly".