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Rabbi I Have a Problem

Can we put a limerick on our father's tombstone?

Rabbi, I have a problem

June 9, 2014 09:58

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

3 min read

Question: When we wanted to erect a headstone for our father, we wanted to include a favourite limerick of his. It was humorous but certainly not rude. However, the burial society told us it would be inappropriate - were they being over-officious?

Rabbi Naftali Brawer

Naftali Brawer is the CEO of the Spiritual Capital Foundation.

It is difficult to give you a precise answer without knowing the nature of the limerick but it is more than likely that the burial society was not being unnecessarily restrictive. What might seem innocuous to one, may be offensive to another.

The thing to remember is that a cemetery is a shared space. The choices we make regarding inscriptions on headstones can never entirely be a private matter as they remain indefinitely in full view of other grieving families. What the burial society tries to ensure is an acceptable and uniform degree of dignity and good taste. Sometimes it errs on the side of caution but no one was ever adversely affected by understatement.