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Rabbi I Have a Problem

Can a mother be barred from her daughter's wedding?

July 24, 2008 23:00

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

3 min read

QUESTION: A friend of mine did not want her mother at her wedding. When the mother turned up uninvited, she insisted that the rabbi bar her from the ceremony.  Was she right both not to invite or allow her in on the day?

Rabbi Naftali Brawer

Naftali Brawer is rabbi at Borehamwood and Elstree United Synagogue.

Honouring one’s parents is so central to Judaism that it is included in the Ten Commandments. The rationale behind this mitzvah, as explained by the Sefer Hachinuch (ascribed to the 13th-century Rabbi Aaron Halevi of Barcelona), is that it is fitting to honour those who have given us life. It follows logically that parents are deserving of such honour irrespective of their parenting skills.

The Talmud (Kidushin 30b) equates honouring one’s parents with honouring the Almighty himself, which indicates that it is not really dependent on the nature of the parent. What emerges from these two ideas is that a parent is, in a sense, a reflection of the Creator and for that reason alone she deserves respect.