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Parashah: Shabbat Chol Hamo'ed Pesach

“You shall not make molten gods for yourselves” Exodus 34: 17

April 5, 2023 12:11
Reading the Torah

I still remember the day when, over the tea and biscuits that were served after my invited lecture on the problem of idolatry, a woman edged away from me as if I were about to advance on her, or her city’s artworks, with a hammer.

It was not long after Isis had begun their wanton destruction of some of the world’s most important antiquities, so perhaps her disquiet was understandable.

But our verse does not advocate the vandalisation of other people’s sacra. The molten gods are not “theirs”, but “ours”: according to Chizkuni and Ibn Ezra, the verse refers to the Golden Calf, which was not an image of a “foreign” god but an egregious misrepresentation of our own God. “ ‘This is your god, O Israel’, exclaim the people, ‘who brought you out of the land of Egypt!’” (Exodus 32: 4, 8).

The Torah teaches us that the problem of idolatry respects no national or historical borders. Indeed, far from disappearing in modern technocracies, after the “death of God”, idolatry has intensified.  Secularisation has licensed man to play God in God’s very absence.

