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Parashah of the week: Yitro

“Moses’s father in law said to him, ‘It’s not good the thing you are doing… You are not able to do it alone’” Exodus 18.7-18

January 21, 2022 09:44
reading the torah

What is Jethro teaching Moses when he says that it is not good to lead the people alone?

 This is often understood as a pragmatic management tip to delegate, but the Torah teaches us something more profound through its literary mode of echoing itself and this teaching offers two telling echoes.

At the beginning of Bereshit, most of this world we live in is emphatically characterised as “good” or “very good” until the Divine sees that “it is not good for the human to be alone” (Bereshit 2.18). Now Jethro echoes and reframes this dictum. 

We therefore understand that even and especially as our worlds get bigger, busier and messier, loneliness remains a possibility and is fundamentally not good. Loving partnership is a responsibility in our work, communities and creative contributions, just as it is a compelling, joyful commitment in our personal lives.