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Parashah of the week: Vayikra

No meal offering that you offer to God shall be made with leaven, for no leaven or honey may be turned into smoke as an offering by fire to God” Leviticus 2:11

April 3, 2023 10:27
Reading the Torah

We think of chametz as a once-a-year headache. The search for crumbs between sofas, the forgotten stash of pretzels in a school bag, the headache of menus for six-year olds who normally subsist on a diet of cereal.

However, in this week’s parashah we learn that a requirement for the minchah (meal) offering was that it could not have any chametz! The minchah offering was a voluntary offering, the most simple and inexpensive of the offerings, consisting of just flour and oil.

Surely, when bringing such a basic offering, it would make sense to maximise the opportunity by presenting soft, fluffy, cakes? Why does the Torah specifically ban chametz from the altar in the Temple?

Many commentators discuss chametz as representative of ego. A sense of inflated importance. It makes sense that ego has no place when bringing a sacrifice before God. The very simplicity of the minchah was intentional to emphasise that a connection to Hashem is accessible to all.

