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Parashah of the week: Vayikra

“Remember what Amalek did to you on the way, when you were leaving Egypt, how he happened upon you on the way and cut off all the stragglers at your rear, when you were faint and weary, and he did not fear God” Deuteronomy 25:17-18

March 21, 2024 13:52
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“Remember what Amalek did to you on the way, when you were leaving Egypt, how he happened upon you on the way and cut off all the stragglers at your rear, when you were faint and weary, and he did not fear God” Deuteronomy 25:17-18

The Amalekites attacked our ancient ancestors shortly after they left Egypt, for no apparent reason.

In response, the Torah commands us to “wipe out the memory of Amalek,” but the rabbis decided

